Thursday, January 28, 2021

Umm what the heck...

 We are a month into the year (well almost a month) and things are going good.  I took the jump and found a new part time job at Amazon to replace my current one.  It pays $5 more an hour and is basically only seasonal but I don't see it ending anytime soon.  I can also transfer to a full time position if one opens up at my facility or another facility in the area.  If I can find my Instacart card and lanyard I will start doing that in my free time too.  Anyways the good thing about Amazon (besides the pay increase) is that I get to pick what shifts I want essentially making my own schedule.  Also I will paid weekly instead of bi-weekly.  All of these things are essential to my goals for the year.

As for those goals well things with several of them took a downward spiral but I should be okay.  The Emergency Fund took a $200 drop already.  Instead of getting a tax refund I will owe money because my current job screwed me over big time.  So that is adding a debt to my pile but that one debt will be gone in a few short months and should be the smallest debt so it all works out.  Is it annoying AF, absolutely.  However, on the financial goals I am still staying strong and making it work however I can.  But I did come up with a new savings challenge of sorts.  I opened a random bank account and any cash I find, get tipped, coins or cash I have left after spending cash will go into this account at the end of the month.  I am putting a little over $40 into this account in the next couple days before I leave the current job.  I also plan on doing the $5 challenge and it will probably go into this account as well, but I haven't decided yet.

I added another goal where I turn off the TV and laptop by 10 pm.  This one kind of coincides with my reading and me time goals.  I've been having issues with sleep but I've found that the nights I shut off my tv and laptop no later than 10:30 pm I sleep better.  I have several books going in book, ebook and audiobook format so I grab one of them and get some reading in.  Last night I grabbed one of my coloring books at random and did some coloring while I watched movies.  I didn't work today so I didn't worry about a shut off time but I'm shutting it off tonight.  I've only finished one book this year but I'm working on four different books right now so that won't last for very long I hope.

I've taken the time to spend more time with friends lately too and it's about to get even easier.  Even easier once taxes are paid and I have spending money lol.  My biggest issue besides time is money when it comes to spending time with friends.  One of my friends is getting married in Arkansas in March but I can't do anything until after April and somebody has to stay home with my roommates dog so she's going and I'm staying.  After this weekend I will have plenty of time to spend with friends and I truly look forward to that.

I'm still working on starting the rest of my goals but I feel like it's just a matter of time.  I look forward to seeing what happens this year.  This year has to be better than last year.

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