Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What to do, What to do!?!

So I have come into a dilemma that I just can't figure out.  There is a full time secretary position a mile up the road from my house.  I don't know the pay or any details about it really except that it is a Secretary position for the Big Beaver Boro Building.  But I have always hated Secritarial work which is why I never went back to it.

So my dilemma is do I stay at the job I love at the library even though the pay sucks.  I only work two days a week currently but there is a VERY GOOD chance that when the college girls go back to school I will work every day all day which would make the monthly paychecks quite good and easier to live on.  I don't want to leave Liz in a jam with only Harriet and Annette there to work because neither of them do anything and she told me that she missed me last week while I was on vacation and the summer girl was there most of the week.

The other job like I said is a mile up the road and if their weren't so many hills and I weren't asthmatic I could walk to work.  Which would come in handy when the truck finally dies which will be soon.  It would most likely help me get my bills paid off and get a car and real phone plan (my phone sucks).  But if I could get back into the Usborne Books and become close to full time at the library that would do that and more as well.

Maybe what I will do is go drop off my resume tomorrow just to see if I get an interview.  If I get the interview I will go in and talk to them and go from there.  Also I will talk to Liz about my dilemma and see if she is willing to put me on every day next month all day at least two of those days.  I know she doesn't want me to leave because I do all the work there and I am usually the most cheerful person there.  I do what I'm told and am always going to her for more work.

Agggghhhh....WHAT DO I DO????????

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dreams don't always come true...

So the dreams I have been having (well the ones up until last night) have been amazing and I have been waiting for them to come true.  I know they are only dreams but honestly ever dream like I've had recently has come true at one point or another.  So I am waiting very patiently for these dreams to come true.

However last nights dream went from something I wish would come true to something completely improbable and bizarre.  It started out good and kind of funny but then it just got weird because it did a completely unexpected turn.  I did however learn something from this dream.  The last thing I said in the dream was "Sir, I can't do that.  I love her and I always will.  You can't change who you fall in love with it just happens.  You love who you love and that's all there is to it."

This world is full of crazy things things like that.  But now onto other fun things.  I will be out of debt at least 1 year from now if it is the last thing I do.  I can't wait for fall to get here because I will have more hours at work.  Also I'm hoping that the Usborne thing picks up again.  I did a booth tonight and I am looking into a few more.  Summer is almost over and I won't get a vacation this year.  When the family goes in September I will be working.  I am working all next week so I can't go to the beach then.  My cousin, Kaylin, and I are planning a short weekend trip somewhere next month though.  And at some point this year I plan to make a trip back to Utah to see all my friends again.

Anyways, I think that is all I have to say for now.  I will try to update again soon.