Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's Gonna Be A Good Year!!!

So I am happy to announce that school is going really good so far.  I have done really well at keeping a week ahead in all my school work.  So far there has only been one section in Math that I couldn't understand.  I mean I understood how it worked but couldn't figure out why it was that way.  Intro to Research only has 2 weeks left which I have to admit is okay with me.  I mean it is the easiest class ever and boring beyond belief since I knew all the information already.  It was nice to learn a little bit about the library site though.  I will be interested to see how the second eight weeks go, what with having two eight week classes even if they are easy classes.

I am glad to be back to the indexing again though.  It is nice to have that supplemental income back, even if it does bring in more than my full time job at part time.  I am considering going to part time at the library and part time at the indexing.  I make more in 5 hours of indexing than I do in 8 hours at the library.  I just don't know exactly what to do yet but I do know that I'm pretty sure I can't do a full time job, a part time job and school full time.

I got my tax form for indexing, so as soon as I get my W-2 from the library and then I will work on my taxes.  I can't wait to see if I get anything back this year.  I really hope I do because that could go a long way in my debt and savings needs.  I am still going to fill out the FAFSA and see if I can get a grant and that will help me not have to save quite as much.  This is especially good since I SUCK at saving.  It is extremely good that I happen to have a paypal account that rarely ever gets used because I don't shop on e-bay anymore.  Next month I should be able to start my Money Market account and start saving for a trip or so.

Over the next month or so I will start paying off bills and I also have to get a spare tire for my car.  I also have to get my text books for my next two classes.  I am still debating on summer classes since I have a lot planned for this summer (camping trips, a trip to Utah, possibly a beach vacation and a trip to Germany).  All I know is I won't be doing anything in July but work, work, work because the new employee is taking the whole month off.  I just love that.  I have taken off for vacation once (and I only worked 1 day that week) since I started there, almost 3 years ago.  This year I put an end to that with a couple trips.

Anyways, I have some more work to do before I go to bed.  So goodnight all and I hope your year's are going as good as mine is.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Crazy weird!!!

So I just had the weirdest surprise ever when I got out of the shower.  I logged onto facebook again and found a friend request.  This wasn't just any request it was from my ex-husbands new wife.  I am a bit baffled by this and don't know what to do.  There is the odd chance that she just wants to get to know me, but then there is also the chance that she wants to bitch at me.  I really don't know what to do because well usually the new wife doesn't want to talk to the new wife.  This is just TOO crazy for me.

In other news I start classes on the 14th but can look at syllabi next Monday (the 7th).  Everybody says I am completely nuts but who cares.  Why do they say that you ask?  Well because I am completely and utterly excited to go back to school.  I love to learn and what better way to do it than to actually (finally) get my degree.

Resolutions for the year:  Pass all my classes, work hard and pay off most of my debt (Dell Financial and a good portion of the car loan), complete my EF fund ASAP, and just enjoy life.  I would love to say lose some weight and exercise but with the schedule I will have going that most likely won't happen and I'm ok with that.

I think that is all for now.  I think I'm going to go accept this friend request and see what happens.  I can always delete people.