Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's been a while...

So I know it's been a while since I last posted but I've been just a little bit crazy.  A lot has happened however since I last posted.  I am about 2 weeks away from completing my first semester of school.  I am still going back and forth on doing a couple classes this summer but I think I will wait for fall when I know I have financial aid available.  Needless to say it looks like I will have straight A's my first semester, if the website I need goes back up and I can fix something on one of my assignments in the next couple of days.  I had to hold off on the indexing the last few weeks because I just didn't have time.  I look forward to the next few months when I can do a ton of indexing and then have a TON of money saved up for school.


In other news May is going to be completely awesome.  My best friend Ben will be home most of the month.  There are a couple great movies coming out.  I finish school on Mother's Day.  Memorial Day means camping.  But most of all I get to relax and read again.  I have been on a reading kick since March and don't want to stop any time soon.  I look forward to hanging out with friends and camping and warm weather and oh so much more that comes with summer.


Oh another note I paid off my Dell account all $1,200+ of it in one big sweep.  That means all I have is the car payment and I am free and clear until I have to start paying off student loans.  I am no longer going to Germany so that I can save for school, which is okay with me.  I started a blog where I will review all of the books I read as well.  Anyways, I have to go do some reading for school but I will try to post more often.

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