Thursday, April 23, 2009

Been a crazy few days...

I don't even know when the last time I posted an update was but well here is what has been going on since oh Friday night.
  • Friday...I can't for the life of me remember what I did during the day but Friday night I got all spiffed up and went out with Kimberly, Seth, Cassie and Christy. We went to the Provo Towne Center (Mall) to Red Robin. We had a wait of like 40 minutes so Kimber, Christy and I went to this awesome shoe store called Sole Envy. OMG!!! I so wanted like a bunch of the shoes but being on a budget kept me from doing so. At Red Robin we had a blast, we couldn't stop laughing. It was so great!
  • Saturday...I just kinda hung out at the apartment because I wasn't feeling well. I did make a trip to the library to return books I had so that they didn't get lost in the move and all. Other than that it was just a hang out and hope to feel better day.
  • Sunday...I woke up still not feeling well and I slept most of the day. I did start packing up my room at about um...6:30 and did a bit of that, I figured that if I had to work every night and still had to do the whole clean check thing as well I had better get as much packing as I could done as soon as I could.
  • Monday...I started work and for a call center I really don't mind it at all. It is actually all computer operated and I rarely have to talk to anybody. The people are really cool too. Then I went home and packed some more as my roommate was doing the same thing until midnight. So it was almost 1 am when we both got to bed.
  • Tuesday...Well I did some packing in the morning because I knew I would be getting home late. Then I headed off to work. I didn't home until like 10:30 and I did my laundry and finished packing completely. I didn't get to sleep until like almost 2 am.
  • Wednesday...I woke up at like 6 and laid in bed till about 7:30 when I fell back to sleep till 8 when I got up and packed up anything I had left out to use the following day and my bedding. I then went straight into clean check cleaning. I picked the livingroom and I totally don't know why I did that but it doesn't matter. I cleaned till almost 1 and then walked to the bus stop where the bus was almost 30 minutes late which landed me at work seconds before I was too start. After work I waited for Kimberly to get home and we went to pick up all my things and I moved out and in, in about the same time it took me to just move in last time...not that that is a bad thing. I didn't get to sleep until like 12:30 this morning.
  • Today(Thursday)...Well I got up at 7 and got ready for the day. Kimberly dropped me back at my old apartment so that I could finish the cleaning. I started at 8 and finished everything but vaccuuming by like 9:30 so I had to wait for my roommates to wake up before I did that. I grabbed the few things I had forgotten and headed out at 11. I did my grocery shopping (I totally got 2 1/2 lbs of apples for like $1.50 2 ok packages of strawberries for $1.25 and a pineapple for $0.99...sweet deals) and got back to my new apartment at between 12:30 and 1. So I relaxed for an hour before work. I obviously went to work and now I am typing this. I am heading to bed soon as it is already 10:40 and as you can see I haven't had a lot of sleep this week at all.
Makes me wonder what tomorrow will bring but I really don't have anything besides work on the schedule for tomorrow and that doesn't start till 2 pm so it is a relaxation day to be sure...I will update soon I promise.

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