Friday, April 27, 2012

Settliung into the new job title...

So I may have spread myself a little thin with all the things being thrown at me lately.  I am enjoying working on the summer reading program but with all the other new things I will be in charge of it should be interesting getting it all done.  I did my first schedule for the month of May and there are a few days where we just don't have enough people to cover it.  Those few days are days that our accounting person is there so I'm not too worried about it, there will still be two people there.  I still have a few people I can write in when they let me know if they will be available for the summer.

Tonight is movie night with the wild bunch I love so much.  I love movie nights with the Owen's crew and I haven't seen them in FOREVER!  I wasn't able to grab a movie from work so it will probably be a Netflix movie for tonight.

As for Usborne I have put it on hold until June at least.  What with all the things going on at the library and not having anybody to cover if I take days off.  We do have Memorial Day Weekend off so I am thinking of taking a long weekend trip somewhere.  I haven't decided yet since I don't have a car and the truck takes so much gas.

I don't really know what else to say for today so I will update you soon as to how plans are going.

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